Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Blah, Tuesday

The Northeast is eligible for a free credit report starting September 1. I'm glad, because for the past few years I've been paying about $30 to get a copy of my report from all 3 agencies, which is stupid because it's MY information. Why should I have to pay to get it?

How much do you want to bet that if Bush weren't president,
Plan B would be on shelves already?

My mom and I are going to see March of the Penguins this weekend. I'll have to contain myself so I don't go, "awww!!" out loud in the theater. But they're so freakin' cute!

Last night Alton made lobster and he said it was easy to do at home. But included in the tools he used were a welder's glove and cutters designed for metal. On one of the little blurbs it said, "The size of the lobster does not effect the taste of the meat." Arghh!! Why, Alton? I've said before that while I understand that grammar isn't everyone's strong point, there is no excuse for bad grammar in print media. This blog doesn't count :-).


Blogger j said...

Sometimes those little errors can be more entertaining--what if you'd titled your last entry "Deer People Who Drive on I-83 During Rush Hour"?

Those folks could blame the antlers.

I may have told this already, but as a teacher I take opportunity to occasionally correct grammar. I have had a student who asked me "Can I go to the washroom?" reply when I pointed out they (yes--the plural pronoun, I'm sorry) said "can" then indignantly deny it. "No, I said washroom"


8/30/2005 3:56 PM  
Blogger katiedid said...

No worries J. There's no good gender free pronoun to use really, so I always use "they," too. Of course, I butcher the English language all the time, so you may wish to take that with a big grain of salt, I guess.

Effect/Affect is one of my pet peeves.
There are some errors that I can see making, and am sure I've made myself. Like lay/lie. It gets tricky, I think.
And whoever/whomever is not too hard, but I can sympathize with screwing it up, because spoken English tends to never get it right, either. Not many folks use "whomever" in conversation, I think because some people sound like a stiff, prim and propper Mary Poppins sort when they say it. Well, I do, anyhow. "Anyways" is my mom's hot-button word. She hears that and her nails dig into the palms of her hands. Consequently, my siblings and I never miss an opportunity to use it when we feel like joshing around with her.

It's about time credit reports were free. What galls me though, is those same agencies suggest checking a few times a year, and yet, there's only one free one. And arguing with them about incorrect info or reporting is a migraine. Bastards.

8/30/2005 5:01 PM  
Blogger Jenny G said...

LOL Sometimes I wish I had been an English teacher, but I think I'd end up beating some kids to a bloody pulp

I use they if I'm talking to someone who doesn't realize it's wrong, but if I'm talking proper-like, I say "he or she." I'm pretty good with grammar rules (except the obscure ones that only someone with a PhD in English would notice), but I'm horrible at punctuation. I use commas like they're going out of style, and I'm sure that half the time they don't belong there.

I don't use whom a lot because it feels strange to say, "With whom are you going?" in normal conversation, but I know when I should be using it.

I had a mistake on my credit report; they had an account as open that I had closed and cut up the card years ago. I wrote to them and gave them as much information as I could remember, but they wrote back and said they had to have the card number. Not gonna happen unless I go to the landfill and find my trash bag from 3 years ago! I just let it go. It's not a huge deal, and it'll be off in like, 7 years anyway. They also have me living many, many different places because of capitalizations. Say I lived on Elm St. They have ELM ST, ELM STREET, Elm St., Elm St, ELm St, etc. I'm not kidding! It looks like I'm on the lam or something!

8/31/2005 8:57 AM  
Blogger Meadow said...

It is ridiculous to have to pay for your own credit report. Now they'll give you the report for free but if you want to see your score, it's gonna run you about $13.

8/31/2005 9:24 AM  
Blogger Jenny G said...

It sucks that you have to pay for the score, but I'm happy that the report's free. I paid over $30 for my reports last year.

8/31/2005 9:13 PM  

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