Friday, August 19, 2005


High Fidelity - Thank you, John! Finally a good movie from you! I liked this movie a lot. The music talk, humor, Jack Black,--side note: it's strange that I like Jack Black, because I usually don't like that kind of humor, but I find him hilarious--a story that is interesting even though it's predictable. This movie isn't going to be a classic, and it's not in my top 10, but it's much better than the dreck I've seen lately. Four stars.

Gia - I could have done without the gratuitous lesbian scenes, but the first half of this movie kept me interested. During the second half I was thinking, "Hurry up and die already," but this movie was decent enough. Angelina Jolie's lips freak me out though. I don't find that look sexy, as I think she looks like she was punched in the mouth, but obviously many, many men find it attractive. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone except guys. Two and a half stars.

Showgirls - They inexplicably play this movie all the time on VH-1 and after 4 sittings, I think I have seen the whole thing, although a highly censored version. I'm tempted to rent this movie to see it uncensored, but then I think I would have to shoot myself. Talk about a trainwreck. I used to love Saved by the Bell, but I never liked Jessie. I still don't. I think my couch could do a better acting job than she did. And Trey from Sex and the City is in it. Eww! I hate that guy! This is one of those "so bad it's good" movies. Two and a half stars for the VH-1 version (They made it lose half a star because of the cheesy way they drew a bikini top on Elizabeth Berkeley. Just mosaic it, for God's sake!)


Blogger katiedid said...

"Hurry up and die already" Hee! Um, not a good sign for a movie, I guess, but pretty funny to read.

8/19/2005 4:19 PM  
Blogger Jenny G said...

:-) That's my usual thought when I know that one of the characters is going to die at the end and the movie is boring.

8/20/2005 8:06 AM  

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