I Be Smart Y'all!
Very Well-Rounded
You have:
62% Scientific Intuition and 62% Emotional Intuition
The graph represents your place in intuition 2-space. As you can see, you scored above average on emotional intuition and above average on scientific intuition. (Weirdly, your emotional and scientific intuitions are equally strong.)
Your emotional intuition score is a measure of how well you understand people, especially their unspoken needs and sympathies. A high score score usually indicates social grace and persuasiveness. A low score usually means you're good at Quake.
Your scientific intuition score tells you how in tune you are with the world around you; how well you understand your physical and intellectual environment. People with high scores here are apt to succeed in business and, of course, the sciences.
How you compare to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on Scientific Intuition
You scored higher than 99% on Emotiotional Intuition
The 2-Variable Intuition Test
Hmm. Very interesting. I've got to try this. :)
I got 62% SCI and 85% EMO. Couldn't copy the code, probably cuz I'm on a Mac. :(
Good job! It was a neat quiz. I couldn't copy the code either; it messed up my layout. I just retyped it and copied the picture.
Ok, you have a great deal more patience than I would have *ever* guessed and *certainly* more than I. Haha!
I have patience for stupid things like that, but not important things :-)
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