Sunday, May 29, 2005

The York County Way of Life

York Countians are a rare breed. And thank god for that! I'm a born and bred York Countian, but I have a love/hate relationship with it. Here are some tidbits about the York County way of life:

1. They think it is perfectly ok to order macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and french fries as their 3 side dishes.
2. They also think it is perfectly ok to eat dinner at 4:00.
3. They think Ocean City, Maryland is the nicest beach on the east coast.
4. And they go there every summer for vacation.
5. They inexplicably have southern accents.
6. And Confederate flag license plates.
7. They are used to having their shocks repaired every week because of the PA roads.
8. The first day of huntin' season is a school holiday.
9. So is "student day" at the York Fair for most schools.
10. It's huntin', not hunting.
11. They sit on Route 30 by the thousands to watch the street rods.
12. They love buffets.
13. They consider the Orioles their hometown team.
14. They worship Penn State's football team, even though they never attended Penn State.
15. They own huntin' camps in northern PA.
16. They bitch about the weather. A lot.
17. They eat dippy eggs.
18. They'll wait for you outside awhile.
19. They like to use an appostrophe to make words plural.
20. They like that they can get curbside service on faschnat day.
21. They love firehall chicken bbq.
22. They like to write mean letters to the editor about homosexuals, non-Christians, and immigrants.
23. They buy out the grocery store's supply of bread, milk, and toilet paper when snow is in the forecast.
24. And every newspaper writes an article about it, every time.
25. They love to beat a dead horse.
26. They own Pfaltzgraff dishes, mostly seconds that were bought at a tent sale.


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