Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Here are some pictures of the stuf I planted Memorial Day weekend:

My crock o' herbs: basil, mint, and dill. Nothing is better than iced tea with fresh mint.

Petunias and some filler. I don't know what it's called; I think it might have actually been called "filler" or something similar at the nursery. Rusty gave me the frogs for my birthday.

My cilantro is growing!


Blogger Shannon Morgan said...

May I suggest a separate pot for your mint? It'll take over like the blob, and squeeze out the other herbs...

6/06/2006 7:47 PM  
Blogger Gina Thompson said...

i've got a pot-o-herbs as well, and I hear mint is the devil

6/06/2006 10:32 PM  
Blogger Shannon Morgan said...

It seriously sends out these "creepers", which is awesome if you're using it as a ground cover. A bit aggressive for its neighbors, though!

But mint tea. Mmm.

6/07/2006 1:37 AM  
Blogger B. said...

You've got quite the green thumb, JG.

Iced Tea recommendation--Mix your iced tea with a little orange juice (pulp free)and then put in the mint--delicious!!!

6/07/2006 6:39 AM  
Blogger Meadow said...

*agh* plants! *agh*

6/07/2006 7:59 AM  
Blogger Jenny G said...

Thanks for the tip, nomad. I'll have to repot this weekend.

B - That sounds good. I like iced tea with lemonade.

Abnormal, do you have a black thumb? :)

6/07/2006 10:59 AM  
Blogger Meadow said...

As a matter of fact, I do. On one side anyway. Well, it's more like a medium brown.


6/08/2006 11:07 AM  
Blogger Jenny G said...


6/09/2006 7:08 AM  

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