5 Favorites
I borrowed this from March.
Sight: The clock reading 4:15 P.M. on a weekday (I"m with March on this one)
Fall leaves
The sink when it's not full of dishes
The trees in the spring when they begin to flower and bud
Smell: Honeysuckle Yankee Candle
"Man smells:" cologne, aftershave, etc.
Clean laundry
Taste: Hard-shelled crabs
A good steak
My roasted broccoli
Tiger's Blood shaved ice from Aloha Snow
Hear: Any one of the billions of songs that I love
Birds singing
The sound of an orchestra. I always wished I knew how to play the violin.
The sound of a summer night
The way it sounds when it snows
Touch: Chris
A fresh buzz cut
Being wrapped in warm covers on a cold morning
The hot water of the shower in the morning
Tiger's Blood shaved ice from Aloha Snow...sounds both gross yet very good!!
It's awesome! It's cherry and coconut.
Sheesh, Chris! You're her favorite everything else! Be thankful for what you got! :-P (I'm playing with you)
Mmm. Man smells ... Clean laundry ... The sounds of an orchestra ... Ahhhh.
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