Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Weekend Update

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend. I think of Labor Day as a fake holiday, but you'll never hear me complain about a day off of work! Rusty came home this weekend, so on Saturday we went out for dinner and then back to her parents' house to help her pack some stuff. On Sunday I went with her family to the Chinese buffet which is their (much-hated) Sunday ritual. Afterwards I tagged along for a trip to Wal-Mart, where I followed my over 1.5 years' boycott of not buying anything at Wal-Mart. Although now that I think about it, I did eat some Oreos that Rusty's mom bought there. Does that make me a pawn in Wal-Mart's master plan of corporate greed and global domination?

On Monday I did absolutely nothing of consequence except enjoy how beautiful it was outside. Yesterday I had off as well for a dentist appointment and a hair appointment. My teeth are clean and my hair is shorter. Now I'm back at work. I was sort of dreading it because whenever I take off I end up getting screwed with the amount of work I have waiting for me when I get back, but this wasn't too bad. I couldn't sleep last night though, and I massively overslept (as in I woke up at the time I should be leaving). Oops. I had to shut the window because my neighbors were outside talking, so then I was hot with the blankets on and cold without them. Then, around 2 AM, my other neighbors were vacuuming something. I don't know what the hell kind of vacuum they have that is so powerful that it can be heard through my closed windows, but it was unmistakably the sound of a vacuum, and it was loud and annoying as hell.

Enough crappily-written rambling. I hope everyone has a good week!


Blogger Caroline said...

Have you read the Walmart Effect?? I can't remember the name of the author right now..They gave it to us here at work, it was recommended by the CEO.

The vacuum thing would annoy me to the point that I would've gone over there and asked them what they were thinking doing that at 2 AM.

9/06/2006 1:43 PM  
Blogger Steve H said...

every year i make my kids listen to my 5 minute lecture on the reason for labor day. they can probably say it by heart at this point.

also, maybe you can enlighten me: not that i'm a big wal-mart shopper, but why is this the most hated organizaton in the country? are they torturing kittens and i don't know about it?

9/07/2006 6:24 AM  
Blogger Jenny G said...

Caroline: No, but that sounds like a good read. Unfortunately they're white trash and probably wouldn't care.

Hotwire: What is the story behind Labor Day? I don't even know why it exists. Wal-Mart squelches unions, drives small companies out of business, ignores prices set by companies, causes light and air pollution, treats its foreign workers horribly, doesn't provide benefits, etc., etc. We have 4 Wal-Marts in York County and they're trying to build another one less than 10 miles away from an existing one. You should check out the documentary "Wal Mart: The High Cost of Low Price."

9/07/2006 10:12 PM  
Blogger Steve H said...

let me be a bit less over the top than omessiaho.

it is correct that it seems that picking on wal-mart seems to be a very trendy thing to do. i suppose the same people who complain about wal-mart could do the same about starbucks, but then they'd have to get their lattes somewhere else. wal-mart is breaking no laws, legally does not have to pay benefits for the hours their people work, can set pricies where they'd like to (all stores do this, and many times offer items as a loss-leader), does not have to let unions in to their workplace. i don't like that smaller business get screwed, but again, no laws are boing broken. this country was built on the concept of 'builing a better mousetrap' and wal-mart has.

if people don't like it, don't shop there, and if the employees don't like it, quit. if this happens to a great enough degree wal-mart will change, but i don't see that happening.

9/08/2006 6:10 AM  
Blogger Jenny G said...

This has gotten out of hand and I don't tolerate insults directed towards my blog buddies. You need to learn that it's possible to disagree with someone without making personal attacks. Discussion closed; take a fucking chill pill.

9/08/2006 5:42 PM  

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