Yay for J.!
B.'s husband J., the biology major, identified my nasty bug as a Dobsonfly. According to this site, the male's mandibles can't hurt you, but the females can. So those nasty-looking pincers won't kill me. I think.
They're attracted to bright lights at night and it just so happens that I turned our dusk-to-dawn light, which is above that window, on last night. That will be turned off right away!
I would have had a heart attack had I seen that bug. I'm glad you found out it can't harm you.
man these last 2 posts have been a scream. hahahaha
the male can't hurt you but the female can. sounds like another species i know...
sorry. couldn't resist.
Thats flippin' gross dude.
It's nice you have a bug identifier friend. For all my bug reassurance, I go to What's That Bug?
And take a look at this!
Gross bug, by the way. Now I'm afraid (since I live in PA) I'm going to find one too!
March and Hotwire: Thanks for the comments from the peanut gallery :)
Caroline: Tell me about it!
Gina: I was looking at that site. I can't believe people actually picked the bugs up!!!!!! I'd rather gouge my eyes out than touch a bug that looks like that.
Is it just my computer--anything you have written above the pic. of the bug doesn't show up. Black screen....
Noelle, I think it is. Jenny has text above the pic, and I can see it clearly.
Crap. All I see is the big, monster, EVIL bug, with a black screen above it. Weird. I'll have to play around on my comp.
The text is no longer showing up on mine either. Hmmmmm.
It was screwed up at work the other day. You had to highlight it to see it. That's with IE. I use Firefox (which everyone in the world should use) at home and it shows up fine.
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