Monday, June 06, 2005

The Interview

Questions by Jenn:

1) You love Bo Bice. Why? :)

Because he kicks ass :-) I've watched AI for about 95% of its run. When Bo came on and sang "Whipping Post," it was a total "wow" moment. The Allman Brothers on AI? It had never been done before. Bo is genuine, and you can tell. I think by definition if you are a contestant on AI you are a famewhore, but Bo is on the lower end of the spectrum as far as fame-whoring goes. I loved pretty much everything he did on the show. He's a great performer, he has the maturity that most of the contestants don't have, he has an awesome voice, and he's good-looking. I remember being worried on 70s dance night because I thought he would be a trainwreck, but he came out and rocked "Vehicle." He got up on the judges' table during "Remedy." He made me not associate "For the Love of Money" with Donald Trump. He seems funny, warm, and intelligent during interviews; he encouraged the audience to applaud for Carrie when she won; he seemed genuinely upset when Constantine was voted off. He's the whole package, and I hope he has longevity if he wants it, because he's a good ol' boy (but not in the bad sense) from Alabama.

2) I saw where you said you are a liberal republican. Do you think it's possible to be a republican and hate Bush the way us democrats do?

Yes, because I do :-). I voted for Gore in '00 and Kerry in '04; I'm a registered democrat. My political affiliation has changed a little bit over the years because I see the importance of personal responsibility and think the government should play a smaller role in our lives. I took one of those online quizzes, and I'm basically 70% liberal, 30% conservative. I don't know to which political party I belong. I think Dubya is a complete idiot, an arrogant asshole, and he lied to us in order to get us to support the war. Weapons of Mass Destruction, my ass. Dubya was just trying to finish what his father started, which is go after Saddam Hussein, who has NOTHING to do with September 11. He used September 11 to stir the public's emotions. He's all propaganda, and he's trying to turn our nation into a religious state. It's perfectly fine to be religious, but keep it out of the government. He lost in '00 and he barely eked out a win in '04; and his approval ratings are going down the drain. Whenever anyone I know who voted for him complains about the cost of their health insurance I tell them that they brought it upon themselves. We impeached Clinton for receiving oral sex from an intern and lying about it...I think what Dubya did is much worse. And he banned partial-birth abortion and tried to keep Terri Schiavo from being put out of her misery. I could go on and on about my hatred for him, but I'll probably be arrested due to the Patriot Act...

3) What kind of career do you have? Are you happy with the career choices you've made?

I have bachelor's degrees in Spanish and Psychology. I was originally only a Spanish major, but I hated it so I added psych. I started my post-college career as a Family Advocate. I went to people's houses and helped them with parenting, budgeting, etc. I have many crazy stories from that job, but I hated it. Now I'm an intake coordinator for the same agency but in a different office. My job now doesn't really relate to my major and I wouldn't necessarily call it a career. I like it though. I have my own office and my own computer. I have set hours and my job is pretty easy. I don't have to go into people's cockroach-infested, pee-smelling houses (although some of the people who come into our office smell like pee). I don't have to work with Children and Youth anymore--I really didn't like some of the things they did. I don't know what I ultimately want to do. I'm leaning towards Human Resources, but we'll see. I'm happy with my choices, because I love psych and it's fascinating, but I wish I had been an English teacher because I love reading and writing; however it wouldn't be feasible for me to go back to school now. I've learned not to plan life because things never work out the way they were planned :-).

4) You have a boyfriend that drives you crazy. You seem like Autumn when it comes to only wanting them part time. I'll ask you what I asked her: do you think if the right one (if that's not the guy you are currently with) came along that you would change your mind and want him full time?

It's really not him, it's me. I'm an independent person who likes to do what I want when I want. I'm also a control freak, so I have a hard time compromising. He's great, but we have really incompatible housekeeping styles. I don't think that "the one" exists, but my boyfriend now is as close as I've ever come, and I love him to death (believe it or not, Chris). That being said, I don't think it would matter who my boyfriend was; I would feel that way no matter what. And although I say it would be nice to only have someone around when I want him around; I wouldn't change the way things are now for anything.

5) York sounds a lot like my hometown in Kentucky. It's a love/hate relationship, isn't it?

It really is! Being away from York for college made me really appreciate it though. To me, York is the friend who you make fun of, but they know you're doing it out of love. There are a lot of crappy things about York, but there are just as many, if not more, great things. We're 4 hours or fewer away from DC, NYC, Baltimore, Philly, and a couple of beaches. We have some semblance of culture here. Most of my friends and family are here, and I'm comfortable with York. I know my way around; I even have the cycles of the stoplights memorized. There really isn't anything that I need that we don't have here. And of course there are ignorant people, but they exist everywhere. York is great for people watching; we have some of the most majestic mullets in the world!

Man, I'm long-winded :-).

The Official Interview Game Rules

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "“interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions;— each person'’s will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

If you want to be interviewed by me I'll do it, but I have no creativity, so don't be surprised if I ask you your favorite color and food :-P.


Blogger j said...

Jenny G--

You are cool. Thanks for posting as often as you do. It helps keep me from working when I can wander through the blogs I like.


6/07/2005 12:15 AM  
Blogger Jenny G said...

Thanks :-) It's more fun to read blogs when you're supposed to be working!

6/08/2005 11:43 AM  

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