Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Sorry it has been a while...I think everyone's sort of slacking on the blogging front. I tend to do most of my communication on Facebook, so hit me up if we're not friends there yet. I also started a private blog a few months ago, but my use for that is over. To get you up to speed, I'm having minor surgery next Tuesday and I'm moving out on my own in January. I was using that blog as a place to gather my thoughts.

I went out for dinner with a friend from high school last Tuesday and then went to dinner with Rusty and her family on Wednesday. Thursday was Thanksgiving dinner with just my parents due to some extended family drama. Rusty and I huge out briefly after our respective family meals, but we were both in a tryptophan-induced haze. On Friday I cleaned and stayed as far away from malls and shopping centers as possible in the morning, then Rusty and I went out to dinner and to some stores...things calm down in the evening. On Saturday I cleaned, did laundry, watched movies, and did some school work. Sunday was more of the same and then I took yesterday off and ran some errands. Today was total insanity at work and I was NOT glad to be back. December is going to be completely crazy starting with bloodwork tomorrow (they can NEVER find my veins), dinners out with friends, surgery, transferring from the Harrisburg office to the York office, post-op appointments, Rusty coming home, Christmas, New Year's, winter semester... I would love to crash in January but there's moving and even more class. I don't think I'll have a chance to relax till June, but it's ok...idle hands are the devil's workshop.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and I'll try to check in as much as possible throughout December!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, somehow I missed out on all of that. Good luck with your surgery; good luck with the move. I'll be thinking of you...I know that's gotta be rough. I would get on Facebook but I only know your first name.

How's library school? Mine's doing alright, except for the insane-ness of GROUP PROJECTS IN EVERY FREAKING CLASS. There, I feel better now.

Anyway, good luck

12/02/2008 10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant to say I would get "you" on Facebook. Not get on Facebook. I'm already on there. :)

12/02/2008 10:39 PM  
Blogger March2theSea said...

i will always stop over when bloglines tells me there are new posts..but I like our *chats* on FB as well.

Try to enjoy the holidays...

12/03/2008 9:27 AM  
Blogger Shannon Morgan said...

Hope everything goes well with your surgery and move.

12/03/2008 10:38 AM  
Blogger Renee said...

You've got a lot going on, girlie. Best wishes with all of it.

I took down my practice blog too. One of these days I'll figure out exactly what I want my blog to do. Until then, I'll just be a reader. :)

Happy holidays!

12/03/2008 4:27 PM  
Blogger Rusty said...

Best of luck with all those things coming up in such quick succession! It's definitely going to be a crazy few months.

Good thing you get free texts now, eh? :P (That's a hint...keep in touch with the ol' BFF! Hee.)

I'll be thinking of you this week especially as things start up. Bloodwork sucks.

12/03/2008 10:49 PM  
Blogger N.F. said...

Good good luck w/all your stuff coming up. I'm coming down to the VERY WIRE with my schooling right now..., so I can relate to a point. Best of luck w/everything.

12/04/2008 12:40 AM  
Blogger N.F. said...

PS. I do all my communicating on facebook, too. :-)

12/04/2008 12:41 AM  
Blogger B. said...

What's your surgery and where are you moving to? If you don't feel like posting those things on here, send me a FB message. Hope all goes well.

12/04/2008 8:18 PM  

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